Gerb 74ae417cc05ef25f84b0015d81454434f599579d3ac11b3bfaaa42f8e29a5826

of the Ivanovo Medical AcademyISSN 1606-8157



Logotip rgp 938b4d8cf58bb50340e3e564842b9c611ee8018249b093a9e8cd19b9d23ccaba

Issue: 2012, Vol. 17, No. 3

Skorodumova Елена Владимировна, Nazarova Ольга Анатольевна

Mineral density of feet bones in patients with diabetes mellitus

feet osteopenia, diabetes mellitus, bone mineral density
Feet osteopenia prevalence was studied in patients with diabetes mellitus of 1 and 2 types; possible mechanisms of its development were clarified. Mineral bone density (MBD) of foot anterior zone was analyzed by doubleenergetic roentgen absorbtionmetry in 32 patients with diabetes mellitus of 1 type and in 47 patients with diabetes mellitus of 2 type. Then it was compared to analogous indices of the patients from control group who had the normal MBD of basic skeleton. Presence and severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and nephropathy (DN), distal sensomotor neuropathy (DPN), blood flow alterations on lower limbs and osteoporosis risk factors (ORF) were clarified in the patients. As the result feet osteopenia was revealed in 47% of the patients examined in every type of diabetes mellitus. It was more often combined with low MBD of basic skeleton, predominantly proximal femur zone and was rarely isolated. Feet osteopenia was connected to ORF by late diabetic complications, high malleolus-arm index and this fact should be used for prognosis.